
Kids Come First provides a morning snack/breakfast and afternoon snack for all children in attendance. Children who attend full day in our Child Care programs will also be provided a hot lunch. All snacks and meals are nutritious, filling and follow suggestions from Canada’s Food Guide. If you wish your child to enjoy breakfast please check the daily schedule to ensure the snack will still be available to your child during the time you are dropping off. A four-week snack and/or lunch menu will be posted in the hallway for parents to view. Substitutions will be posted for families as they occur. 

We have many children in our program with moderate to severe allergies. In some cases, children have Epi-pens in the event of a serious allergic reaction. In an effort to ensure that all children feel safe from allergens, children attending the program will not be allowed to bring in snacks/left over lunch from home in the Before and After School program. Kids Come First will provide afternoon snack and in most cases a choice of fruit and snack will be available. The only exception to this rule will be on PA days where we will have extra staff to look through children’s lunches and ensure that snacks/lunches are allergen free.

Please note that unless otherwise noted school age children attending on PA days will need to bring their own lunch.

Please make the staff aware of any food allergies or restrictions as soon as possible. Due to the severe allergies of some children, Peanut Butter & nut products will not be part of our menu. The Centre cannot, however, guarantee that we are free of all nut products. It is imperative that parents be aware that nuts can be fatal to some children. We will also inform parents of any other allergens that children in the program may have.

HOLIDAY GIFTS and PARTIES: Please do not bring in food or gifts that include nuts of any kind for either the teachers or the children.  Children’s special dietary needs and allergies will be posted in the classroom.

In keeping with Public Health regulations, Kids Come First cannot accept homemade treats or food to share. All food must be pre-packaged from an approved food source such as a bakery, grocery store etc. with a label outlining the ingredients. Parents must read all labels to ensure that products do not include nuts/peanuts or made in a facility that uses nuts. We also suggest that parents not bring in any candy, gum, chips or other foods into the program. This can be very disruptive and/or dangerous to other children.

Kids Come First can provide the complete Policies and Procedures handbook upon request.

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