Late Pickup


Late fees are incurred when your child remains at Kids Come First after closing time (6:00 p.m.). The Centre opens and closes by our clocks. Lateness will be determined by our clocks. Late fees are payable at   $5.00 per 5 minutes (every 5 minutes or part thereof) directly to the attending staff members. Parents are reminded to pick up their child on time. Parents who are late on more than 3 occasions will be contacted by the Board of Directors and may be asked to leave if the lateness persists. 

Please note, if there is a child left one (1) hour after closing time (i.e.7:00 p.m.) and staff are unable to reach the parents or emergency contacts, appropriate authorities including the York Regional Police and/or  Children’s Aid Society will be called.  In order to keep accurate records, please inform the staff of any changes to your emergency contacts and home and business numbers as they arise.

Kids Come First can provide the complete Policies and Procedures handbook upon request.

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