The Centre is committed to excellence in serving all customers, including persons with disabilities, and will provide goods, services and facilities in a way that is accessible and respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities.
Action Taken:
The Centre took steps to complete the following:
- All persons who, on behalf of the Centre, deal with the public or other third parties, and all those who are involved in the development and approvals of customer service policies, practices and procedures, as well as others providing services to customers, are trained on an on-going basis to communicate with persons with disabilities. Training has included the following:
- Review of the purpose of the AODA and the requirements of the Customer Service Standard;
- How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities;
- How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or a support person;
- How to use the alternative means to help provide goods or services to people with disabilities;
- What to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty in accessing the Centre’s services; and
- The Centre’s policies, practices and procedures relating to the Customer Service Standard.
- All staff, volunteers and others dealing with the public are trained and are familiar with various assistive devices that may be used by customers with disabilities while accessing our services.
- The Centre provides alternatives to communicating with customers if telephone communication is not suitable to their needs.
- The Centre ensures accommodation to customers serviced by a guide dog or other service animal in public areas.
- Where a person with a disability is accompanied by a support person, the support person is accommodated.
- Customers are notified in the event of a planned or unexpected disruption of service or inaccessibility of facilities used by persons with disabilities by placing standard notices of temporary disruption.
- Feedback is encouraged from persons with disabilities through multiple accessible ways. Any feedback from customers will be documented.
- The Centre communicates its Accessible Customer Service Standard policy on the Centre’s website or provides the policy upon request.
Status: Complete
Planned Actions:
The Centre will continue to take the following actions:
- All persons who, on behalf of the Centre, deal with the public or other third parties, and all those who are involved in the development and approvals of customer service policies, practices and procedures, as well as others providing services to customers, will be trained on an on-going basis to communicate with persons with disabilities. Training will include the following:
- Review of the purpose of the AODA and the requirements of the Customer Service Standard;
- How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities;
- How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or a support person;
- How to use the alternative means to help provide goods or services to people with disabilities;
- What to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty in accessing the Centre’s services; and
- The Centre’s policies, practices and procedures relating to the Customer Service Standard.
- All staff, volunteers and others dealing with the public will be trained and be familiar with various assistive devices that may be used by customers with disabilities while accessing our services.
- The Centre will provide alternatives to communicating with customers if telephone communication is not suitable to their needs.
- The Centre will ensure accommodation to customers serviced by a guide dog or other service animal in public areas.
- Where a person with a disability is accompanied by a support person, the support person will be accommodated.
- Customers will be notified in the event of a planned or unexpected disruption of service or inaccessibility of facilities used by persons with disabilities by placing standard notices of temporary disruption.
- Feedback is encouraged from persons with disabilities through multiple accessible ways. Any feedback from customers will be documented.
- The Centre will communicate its Accessible Customer Service Standard policy on the Centre’s website or provides the policy upon request.