Equipment & Toy Disinfecting Procedure Policy

Kids Come First Child Care Services (Kids Come First) is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for children, families and employees. Kids Come First will take every reasonable precaution to prevent the risk of communicable diseases within all our locations.


The disinfection of toys is vital to ensuring the health and safety of children as it reduces and mitigates the potential spread of germs and viruses among children and those who may come into contact with them.


To ensure that all employees are aware of, and adhere to, the directive established by York Region Public Health regarding cleaning and disinfecting of toys in all Kids Come First Child Care Programs.

All employees, students and any other persons that enter the premise and engage in the programs must adhere to the following procedures.


All toys that are plush will be removed and not used in play, these include, stuffed animals, hand puppets, cloth toys etc. In addition, all communal sensory play is suspended. All porous toys or materials that cannot be effectively cleaned and disinfected must be removed and not used in play.

Each cohort will be assigned toys and equipment to be used within their classroom. Where it is possible, outdoor toys will also be assigned for each group. If outdoor toys are to be shared, they will be disinfected between each use. 

Shared spaces (e.g. washrooms) or equipment must be cleaned between each use and each cohort with only one group at a time shall access the shared space. 

Cleaning and Disinfection of Toys

It is recommended that the dishwasher be used for toy washing whenever possible. The cycle must meet a minimum of 82 degrees Celsius. The dishwasher in the kitchen will only be used when it is not being used for any other purposes (i.e. washing dishes, food preparation, serving) Toys will be air dried in a designated area that is separate from bathrooms or change tables and protected from sources of contamination.

A Bin Method for disinfecting toys can also be used using bleach and water (10 min contact time).

To ensure consistent and proper dilution disinfectant, one employee will be assigned to prepare the bottles each morning. The employees will ensure that they are wearing appropriate PPE when mixing the solution and employees will use test strips to test the concentration.

Cleaning and Disinfecting Large Toys/Equipment In-Place

Large toys, wooden toys, cots, cribs, etc. that cannot be immersed in a disinfectant solution will use this method for washing. Equipment will be cleaned with soap and water using a cloth. Use a clean wet cloth to rinse. The area will be disinfected by using an approved disinfectant product for the Centre (e.g Oxivir Tb Ready-To-Use (RTU), Vert2Go, ES364, bleach and water or wiped with disinfectant wipes (e.g. Clorex/Lysol)  and let it sit for required contact time. Do not spray product to toys and surfaces when children or other employees are nearby. A final rinse is required using a single-use wet paper towel. Allow to air dry.


  • Community playgrounds will not be used. Centre owned outdoor equipment and play structures are not required to be disinfected between cohorts. Children must wash their hands before and after outdoor play. If employees feel the need to sanitize (weather permitting) between groups (e.g. first group may have licked the slide), employees will use the approved disinfectant product to sanitize the equipment. Any area that has been soiled must be cleaned and sanitized right away.
  • No outdoor sandboxes or water tables will be used until further notice
  • Sprinklers may be used with each cohort
  • If the classroom does not have a sink, the employee will fill a bucket only to a level that is comfortable for transporting to the area for disinfecting toys – a trolley can also be used to assist with transporting.
  • Unused test strips must be kept dry and in a dark space.
  • When a new bottle of test strips is opened, the date opened should be written on the Bottle.
  • Test strips expire six (6) months after the container is opened. Any unused test strips, must be discarded after 6 months as it is no longer effective.
  • Refer to the manufacturers label for disinfectant used to ensure proper usage.
  • All products used to disinfect must have a DIN (Drug Identification number) and a Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

Frequencies and Toy Cleaning Schedules

  • Toy cleaning schedules will be posted in each area and updated daily by the employee responsible for the area.
  • Toys, including large toys, cots, equipment and high touch items will be cleaned and disinfected at least two times per day and as often as necessary i.e., when toys/items are visibly soiled or when toys/items have been contaminated with body fluids.
  • Toys and items such as electronic devices should be cleaned and disinfected between users prior to redistributing.
  • Refer to the Environmental Cleaning and Disinfecting Policy and Procedures for more guidance.

Handling used toys

  • Toys that have become visibly dirty or that have come into contact with body fluids (e.g.,toys that have been mouthed) should be taken out of circulation immediately and cleaned and disinfected immediately. Toys that cannot be cleaned and disinfected immediately should be placed in a designated dirty toy bin. The bin should be clearly labelled and inaccessible to children.


 Policy and Procedure Review

This policy and procedure will be reviewed and signed off by all employees before commencing employment and at any time where a change is required.


Updated 2021/Jan/07