Admission Requirements & Wait List Policy

Prospective parents will meet with the Supervisor/Executive Directors in order to be placed on the waiting list. There is no charge for placing your child’s name on our waitlist. When your child has been accepted you will need to complete the admission forms. A medical certificate confirming immunization must be completed prior to a child starting with Kids Come First.

Admission of new children is based on a waiting list that is managed according to the following criteria:

  • Siblings of families already enrolled in the program
  • Children that reside in the area and are eligible to attend the adjacent Public School
  • Children that reside in York Region
  • Children that reside in other areas

Kids Come First will administer the wait list in a transparent manner using the criteria set above. The placement of your child on the waitlist is available to prospective families, however the Centre will still maintain the privacy and confidentiality of the children on the wait list. Should you have any questions about the position your child has on the waitlist, please contact the Centre Supervisor for further details. The Supervisor will verbally confirm the position where a family is on the waitlist and will ensure families are aware that positions are determined based on the criteria set out above. These numbers can include numbers of each age grouping.

Please note that Kids Come First reserves the right to deny admittance to our programs where the parents have contravened our Parental Code of Conduct (i.e. verbally abusive, threatening, swearing etc).  The Board of Directors has the right to re-assess admission priorities in special or individual circumstances. 


Deposit and Registration fees along with a VOID cheque for Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) must accompany the registration package. Each spring, families will be asked to provide authorization for the withdrawal of funds for fees when they confirm their registration for the coming year.

Families will also be asked to submit a holding fee each spring for the following September to confirm registration for the new school year (school year is September to June). This holding fee applies to current families whose child is actively enrolled in the program (excluding summer for Before and After school children).

If you choose to withdraw your child early (before the end of June), your spot will NOT be held for September even though a holding fee was paid. Your child’s name will be added to the Centre wait list.

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