Volunteer and Student Supervision Policy


Kids Come First would like to take this opportunity to thank you for offering your help to be a volunteer with a group. To ensure the safety of everyone participating, we ask that you read, sign and respect the guidelines below. Have a great trip!

  • You will be paired with a staff member in a small group-always maintain contact with your group. Staff will make decisions in the best interests of the children and the program. Please follow their lead.
  • You must stay with your assigned teacher and group. Please do not wander off on your own. Students/Volunteers CANNOT supervise children on their own and must always stay with a staff member.
  • Children must be supervised at all times. No child is to be left unattended.
  • A staff member of the centre must be notified should you need to leave your group (i.e. Washroom/break/emergency call).
  • A staff member of the centre must escort children to and from washroom facilities.  Students and volunteers are NEVER to escort children unsupervised by a Staff member.
  • Areas such as playgrounds or open fields should be monitored for hazards.
  • In the interest of health and safety, please only offer food or beverages that have been supplied by the centre or the child’s parent. This includes treats/gifts purchased from gift shop.
  • Please do not allow the children to eat or drink on the bus.
  • No alcoholic beverages are to be consumed prior or during trip.
  • Please encourage children to walk (avoid carrying children except in emergency situations).
  • Smoking is not permitted while supervising the children.
  • Please review Kids Come First’s Prohibited Practices and Positive Interactions and Child Abuse Policies. Volunteers are expected to follow these policies while supervising children.
  • Staff are legally responsible for the children at all times. However, we rely on your co-operation by helping us supervise the children and informing the staff of any unsafe situations. If you feel something is not safe, report it to the staff you are with immediately.

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Updated September 2024