Communication and Resolution of Parental Concerns


In order to facilitate ongoing communication, Kids Come First will be using email to send out newsletters and other important information. Please provide a current email to the Centre to ensure that you are able to receive Centre notices.

It is also imperative that the staff and the parents engage in good communication. The following initiatives are directed at ensuring effective communication between parents & staff and resolution of concerns:

  1. The parent is required to speak to the staff member involved if there is a concern.
  2. Staff members will try to resolve the situation with the parent directly.
  3. Staff members will ensure that the issue and resolution has been communicated with the On-site supervisor/designate and documented as required.  
  4. If the parent feels dissatisfied with the outcome of the situation, the parent should contact the On Site Supervisor who will arrange for a discussion and/or resolution about the situation within 2 days (if possible).
  5. If the parent feels the situation has not been resolved with the On Site Supervisor, the parent can contact the Executive Director for resolution. 
  6. The Executive Director will arrange to contact the parent within 3 days (email/phone) and arrange a time to discuss the concern (email/phone/meeting) within a reasonable time.
  7. If the situation cannot be resolved with the Executive Director, a written request for resolution can be addressed to the Chairperson of the Board of Directors. This written request should include a brief description of the situation and the steps that have been taken and the desired outcome.
  8. The Chairperson will ensure that the request is dealt with at the next scheduled Board meeting. The Chairperson will notify the parent(s) in writing of the proposed action plan.

Kids Come First can provide the complete Policies and Procedures handbook upon request.  

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