Medical Needs Protocol


Kids Come First will develop a communication plan to identify the following information and to ensure that the information has been shared with parents, staff, students and volunteers:

  • A Medical Needs Protocol Plan with a recent picture will be kept in each classroom’s Attendance bInder to identify children with Medical needs.  This form will also provide details regarding signs and symptoms of the medical condition, supports or medication to be provided during a medical situation and procedures to follow if a child is having a medical issue, being evacuated etc. 
  • A list of known allergies and medical conditions of the enrolled children will be posted in all activity rooms, eating areas and food preparation areas.
  • If necessary, notices will be sent out to inform families, staff, students, and volunteers of the life-threatening allergies or causative agents that may trigger a medical situation.
  • Kids Come First provides all snacks and meals through our own kitchens. In the event that an outside caterer is required, a list of foods/causative agents/medical considerations will be provided so that appropriate food substitutes can be made.


Kids Come First will work in conjunction with the parent/guardian of an enrolled child who has medical needs to create an individual plan for the child. This plan will include the emergency procedure and the following information:

  • Steps to be followed to reduce the risk of the child being exposed to any causative agents or situations that may exacerbate a medical condition or cause an allergic reaction or other medical emergency; (e.g. Limiting child’s outdoor time and exposure to sun; Use of protective clothing; Pureeing food to minimize choking)
  • A description of any medical devices used by the child and any instructions related to its use; (e.g. Blood glucose reader: prep, storage and sanitation of device; Insulin injections: use of needles, storage of insulin, disposal of needles; Feeding tube: prep, storage and sanitation of device)
  • A description of the procedures to be followed in the event of an allergic reaction or other medical emergency; (e.g. Administer Benadryl or other allergy medication such as epinephrine, contact parents and seek immediate medical attention or Administer fever reliever and contact parent or Seek emergency medical attention and contact parent).
  • A description of the supports that will be made available to the child in the child care centre or premises where the licensee oversees the provision of home child care or in-home services; (E.g.: • Adaptive feeding chair • Occupational therapist or other person providing support, Nurse to train how to give insulin)
  • Any additional procedures to be followed when a child with a medical condition is part of an evacuation or participating in an off-site field trip. (e.g. • Ice packs for medication or items that require refrigeration • Carrying case for devices)
  • Any other details that will assist the staff to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of the child.

It will be the parent’s / guardian’s responsibility to advise the child care operator if there are any changes to the child’s medical needs, medication, or supports.


Kids Come First will store, in an easily accessible location, any asthma medication or emergency allergy medication in accordance with the CCEYA. All staff, students and volunteers will be aware of the location of the medication.  Asthma medication or emergency allergy medication such as an EPI PEN will not be stored in a locked container. It is the child care staff’s responsibility to ensure that the medication is accessible to staff when children are off site on field trips.

The child care staff will ensure that the child who has been given permission to carry their own medication has the required medication prior to leaving the center at any time including when the child attends field trips or is going to the Public school during the day.

The emergency medication such as an Asthma medication requires a label from the Pharmacy. The label will indicate the physician’s instructions about the use of the medication.  It is preferred that the label is placed directly on the medication rather than the box. If the label is damaged or falls off, parents must provide a new label for the medication. 

If order for Kids Come First to administer fever reliever or Benadryl or other medications without a prescription, Parents/Guardians must provide a note from the doctor indicating how to use the product, dosage and when to administer.

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