Playground Safety

Daily Visual Inspection

Each day a daily visual inspection will be carried out by a designated staff position to identify defects or emerging problems.  This staff member will ensure that the entire play space:                                                                                            

  • is checked for hazardous debris or litter;
  • is checked for damage caused by vandalism;
  • is checked for strings or ropes of any kind. These must be removed.

This staff member must ensure that the Daily Inspection Checklist is done in writing prior to any children entering the playground area. These inspections will be recorded and kept in a permanent log.

Monthly Maintenance Inspection

A detailed inspection shall be carried out by the designated safety monitor each month and the results and actions will be entered into a permanent record that can be examined. When defects have been observed, the defects shall be immediately reported to the supervisor/designate/Executive Director and repaired as soon as possible. These inspections shall include, but are not limited to: 

  • Checking for any damage and wear. This includes broken or missing components, removing anything added on to equipment, or any damages made by vandalism or wear)
  • Checking for damaged fences, gates and retaining walls.

Details of the defect or problem and a plan of action will be recorded in a permanent log. Should the repair take time, all reasonable steps will be taken to bar access to the defective equipment. Kids Come First understands that warning or danger signs alone are not acceptable. Ropes or plastic tape cannot be used. Cordoning off the defective area must be done in a safe manner. Removal of the defective equipment may, in some cases, be the only solution.

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